What is the best fencing for horses ?
Traditional Timber fencing is the most commonly used type of fencing for horses. It’s aesthetically pleasing, sturdy and is a strong visual barrier for horses to see. However, it does require regular maintenance to prevent rot and breakage.
What is the best height for a horse fence ?
The optimal height for a horse fence depends on several factors, including the size and type of horses and the fence's purpose. Generally between 1350-1400 to the top rail is the standard height, this would change if the purpose of the fence was to contain larger breeds of horses or if you were doing specific fencing like a foaling yard.
What is the best timber for a horse fence ?
Hardwood rails and treated pine posts, particularly if there is heavy termite activity on the property, this combination of timbers work the best.
What type of fencing material is not recommended for horses ?
Barbed wire is not suitable for horse paddocks because it poses a high risk of injury to horses. The barbs can cause cuts, punctures and serious injuries if horses run into it or get tangled in the wire.
How many rails should a horse fence have ?
The number of rails for a horse fence really is a personal choice, and should be based on the animals you are containing and your overall budget to complete the project. The most commonly used post and rail fence would be a 3 post and rail fence with fine mesh for a boundary fence to limit unwanted animals entering horse pastures, however, internal fences could be just a single top timber rail with strained wire and electric stand-offs.